
Can a Rabbit Breed With a Cat?


Reading Time: 8 minutes

Despite their somewhat conflicting roles in nature, cats and rabbits can be extraordinary friends. But you must remember to always be mindful of their respective predator and prey instincts–that is the key to a harmonious relationship between them. To ensure that your feline friend plays nice with its furry counterpart, it’s essential for you as an owner to take charge when they interact. With the right approach, these two will make quite the dynamic duo!

If a cat is properly accustomed to the presence of a domestic rabbit, it will be less likely to view them as its prey. Similarly, the bunny must feel safe and secure in order for both animals to reside harmoniously together under one roof. After an initial period of adjustment where they become used to each other’s company, these two pets can start interacting more regularly until they eventually live peaceably in the same home.

At this point, though, some may even observe unnatural mating behavior between them, leading us all to ask, “Can rabbits breed with cats?” To answer that question, keep on reading!

Can a Cat Breed With a Rabbit?

Many might consider this a ridiculous question, yet considering the innate strength of nature and current scientific advancements, little seems inconceivable. Interbreeding cats with rabbits may seem outlandish to some, but it’s not unheard of.

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is ‘no’. It is only possible to cross-breed animals from similar families, such as dogs and wolves, who are genetically close. Additionally, you can also obtain hybrids from donkeys, zebras, and horses since they all share a kinship. Yet alas, it’s impossible for pet cats and rabbits to be crossed-bred: even though there may be cases of them mating willingly – ultimately, producing offspring isn’t an option.

Why Can’t Rabbits and Cats Interbreed?

If you take a closer look at nature, it might not make sense that a rabbit can’t breed with a cat. Take the Liger, for example – this stunning hybrid is created when two completely separate species mate together: tiger and lion!

Despite being part of the same Felidae family, cats and rabbits are still two distinct animal species with varying social structures, living environments, and behaviors. There are other hybrid creatures in nature, such as Galapagos iguanas hybrids; polar bear-grizzly bear combinations; even whales have been known to breed their own unique hybrid specie. So why can’t cats and rabbits mix? To answer that question:

Different Species

It is well known that cats and rabbits cannot produce offspring due to their disparate species. Because genetic compatibility between organisms of distinct species is minimal, they can only interbreed when similarities exist. Animals from different species are easily distinguished: a cat’s appearance differs drastically from a rabbit’s. Scientists utilize certain criteria as guidelines for classifying lifeforms into specific categories; some of these rules include…

The Biological Species Concept: This concept postulates that organisms can be classified as different species if they are unable to breed together, and even if reproduction is possible, the progeny produced will not be viable. To differentiate between species, some scientists look at traits like body coloration, bill morphology, shape of the head crest; geographical range; behavior; living environment, and habitat.

Genes: By examining the disparities in genes, scientists are able to identify different species. All living beings contain DNA which contains genetic information needed for their body’s functioning. Although there may be minute variations among a single species, like humans’ eye color, cats and rabbits belong to separate genera: lagomorphs (which are often falsely perceived as rodents) and Felidae, respectively.

It is impossible for cats and rabbits to mate and conceive due to the lack of genetic exchanges between species. Fertilization must take place with animals from within the same family in order to be viable, as their chromosomes cannot match or even come close if they are not closely related at all. In this scenario, since cats and rabbits belong to different genera, it simply isn’t possible for them to produce offspring together – there needs some degree of compatibility before breeding can occur.

Animals of closely related species are the only ones able to interbreed. For example, horses and donkeys result in mules when crossed; cats and rabbits, conversely, being distantly related, have dissimilar gene structures, consequently refusing to successfully reproduce.

Different Reproduction Methods

If you’re looking to breed animals, their reproductive systems should be thoroughly understood. Cats and rabbits don’t reproduce in the same manner, and they respond differently when mating with members of their own species. For instance, female cats can only ovulate after being stimulated by a male cat’s barbed genitals. The barb scratches the walls of the female’s vagina, which then prompts an egg released from her ovaries. Knowing this is essential for successful breeding!

The abrasion necessary to simulate female cat ovulation does not account for the male rabbit’s benefit. The act of copulating alone is ineffective in stimulating egg release, as rabbits have a smooth penis that prevents them from promoting this process. Ultimately, since no eggs can be produced without proper stimulation, there are none available for the male sperm to fertilize.

As gene compatibility must be in sync to form viable embryos, mating a female cat and rabbit is highly unlikely to yield success. This is due primarily because cats possessing nineteen chromosome pairs while rabbits have twenty-two chromosomes. Thus, hybrids will only occur between animals whose genetic makeup closely resembles each other.

Unsuitable Mating Habits

Whilst both animals mate that doesn’t guarantee the two of them can ever copulate together. Rabbit species, in particular, have a very distinct mating pattern due to their small frames; for instance, bunnies often take part in ‘chases’ with one another prior to mating – this ensures that only one male and female will engage in sexual intercourse and are keen on doing so.

This active component of mating is something that rabbits know and understand, which makes it difficult to mate with a different species. Consequently, it’s improbable for a bunny and cat to seek each other out in order to reproduce; this goes against nature and would likely yield no desirable results.

Predator-prey Issues

The predator-prey relationship between cats and rabbits is an established fact; while predators, cats possess a physique adapted to hunting and consuming meat, whereas their prey animals are more tailored towards eating plants. So even if you were able to mate two very confused creatures—a cat and rabbit—, they would not be compatible enough genetically to produce offspring.

Digestive System Differences

In contrast to rabbits, cats lack the necessary enzyme cellulase needed to digest plant material such as grass. Moreover, they have a short intestines which cannot fully break down fibrous materials like grass and thus are only able to consume it in small amounts. Cats eat plants for roughage or, in some cases, induce vomiting if feeling ill; however, they can’t get any nutritional value out of these substances. Rabbits, on the other hand, possess an efficient digestive system that is adapted for digesting cellulose with their long gut giving it enough time for proper digestion.

Mating and Gestation Period Differences

Compared to rabbits, whose gestation period is a mere 30-31 days, the average gestational window for domestic cats lasts an impressive 63 days.

Why is My Rabbit Trying to Hump My Cat?

Cats naturally engage in humping as a form of expression, and humans may initially mistake it for something else. Contrary to popular belief, rabbits mount or hump each other not out of sexual desire but rather to demonstrate their dominance over one another. Male or female alike, this behavior is adopted when the rabbit seeks to express its superiority over the cat – no matter how adorable they look while doing so!

How to Stop This Behavior?

It can be frustrating when your rabbit incessantly humps the family cat. As a dutiful pet guardian, it’s essential to try and ascertain why the bunny is attempting to mount or hump its feline friend. Commonly this behavior occurs out of either excitement or boredom; thus, you may want to divert your rabbit’s energy in another direction by providing them with stimulating toys or activities.

  • Try redirecting: Don’t let your rabbit harass the cat; instead, use a toy to draw their attention away from each other. This method is known as “redirecting,” and it works for teaching animals more appropriate conduct! Spay or neuter them, too: It’s true cats and rabbits cannot reproduce together, but many of these misbehaviors stem from unaltered pets. After neutering, humping should diminish in intensity – plus, they’ll gain plenty of other benefits as well!

What is a Cabbit?

Referred to as a half-cat and half-rabbit, the cabbit is rumored to be an offspring between cats and rabbits. Unfortunately, it’s nothing more than a fantasy creature that often appears in animated films or manga. Incredibly, some have reported seeing this hybrid species in their local environment, yet scientists have concluded that such breeding is scientifically impossible due to genetic incompatibility.

What Would a Cat-rabbit Hybrid Look Like?

For hundreds of years, people have been fascinated by the myth that cats and rabbits can produce hybrids. The most famous story to support this belief is from 1977, when Johnny Carson showed off alleged cabbits on his show. These bizarre creatures appeared to be half-cat, half-rabbit, with a cat’s head and rabbit hind legs being the defining features. Even though scientific evidence proves otherwise, many still cling to these tales of cat-rabbit hybrids as fact.

Final Words

Despite the popularity of cabbits in fantasy, cats and rabbits will never be able to breed due to their incompatible reproductive systems. Therefore, it is scientifically impossible for these two species to interbreed – rendering them distinct from one another. Consequently, there exists no such thing as a real-life cabbit!


Can a Rabbit and a Fox Mate?

Absolutely not! Foxes and rabbits are two entirely separate species with no genetic ties whatsoever. For any type of interspecies procreation to occur, the animals must have a closely related gene pool–which is certainly not present between foxes and rabbits. Thusly, it would be impossible for them to mate genetically speaking.

Can Cats Breed With Other Animals?

Cats are one of a kind. Their genetic makeup variously precludes them from mating with other animals; instead, they can only reproduce with their own species. Yet that hasn’t stopped cat enthusiasts in creating more than 40 viable hybrids between domestic cats and wild cat species! These kitty crossbreeds often have distinct physical features like spotted coats, enlarged eyes, dark stripes or patches, and large builds – think Bengal cats, Toygers, Chausies and Savannah Cats. Truly unique among the animal kingdom!

Can I Interbreed Domestic Rabbits With Wild American Cottontails?

Not at all. The two are unable to interbreed since domesticated and wild rabbits belong to different species and genera, so even if mating does occur, no viable offspring can be produced. Furthermore, due to the more aggressive nature of wild rabbits, they do not coexist well in close quarters.

Do Cabbits Exist?

No. However, there is no shortage of proof that such hybrids exist. Numerous videos on YouTube display what looks to be cabbits. Such animals must be subjected to genetic testing to prove that, indeed, they are a hybrid. Unfortunately, no one with the requisite lab resources has decided to do so. Also, most, if not all, observations are attributed to misidentified Manx cats or are simply hoaxes.

Can a Cat and a Rabbit Have Babies?

Without a doubt, male rabbits have been known to display mounting behavior with female cats. Nonetheless, crossbreeding between these two species is genetically impossible. On the other hand, there are many accounts of felines sustaining and caring for bunnies which then mate with those same cats when they reach sexual maturity. This phenomenon is referred to as imprinting – an instinctive bond formed by creatures adopted within another animal’s family unit or species.

Can a Dog Get a Cat Pregnant?

Absolutely not! Cats and dogs are vastly different from each other, so much so that a dog cannot impregnate a cat. Even if it were to happen, the egg would die shortly after fertilization due to conflicting instructions in its genes which don’t allow for cell divisions required for the proper development of the embryo. In essence, it is unable to know what the creature build itself into.

What Animals Can Mate With Cats?

Raccoons are approximately the same size as domestic cats but often slightly larger. Interestingly enough, male raccoons will mate with cats when domesticated.

What is a Manx Cat?

The Manx cat is unique in its physical features, with a tail-less rounded rump and rear legs that are longer than the front. In fact, these distinct rabbit-like hind limbs give credence to the notion that this breed could have resulted from interbreeding between cats and rabbits! The broad, round backside of the Manx further reinforces this theory, as do their short forelegs – making them look like bunnies in comparison to other breeds.

Can a Fox Breed With a Rabbit?

Absolutely not. Bunnies and foxes are completely distinct mammal species, and they aren’t even remotely related to each other; as a result, it is scientifically impossible for them to reproduce.

Can a Rabbit Impregnate a Guinea Pig?

Under no circumstances should a male rabbit ever attempt to mate with a guinea pig, as the latter cannot become pregnant.

